Send Flowers
Same Day Hand Delivery on all bouquets.

Honoring Life
Honoring a life means acknowledging and showing respect for the individuality of the personality and uniqueness of the life's path of the deceased.

Professional Staff
You're never alone.
No matter how you feel at this moment, you have our commitment.Alternatives to Cremation?

Do you have questions about earth-friendly, bio-degradable Alternatives? Talk with us.

Burial Packages
Guerrero - Dean Funeral Home is proud to offer our families the finest in burial products. We invite you to review our selection prior to meeting with a member of our staff for the arrangement conference.

Cremation Packages
Guerrero - Dean Funeral Home is proud to offer our families the finest in cremation products. We invite you to review our selection prior to meeting with a member of our staff for the arrangement conference.

Funeral Financing
Affordable monthly payment plans through LendingUSA, a leading funeral funding group endorsed by the National Funeral Directors Association. Simple application can be made on-line.